Went to see Mogwai in the coal exchange with some mates from uni.
Was absolutly amazing, the surport band, "Magnifisence" where all right, an 80's electro pop through back with the vocals of jarvis cocker on speed! The high pitched wail of the korg keyboards was at times slightly hard to handle and by the end of the set you had the felling that it all kind of blurd in to one large sound.

And so we wait, maybe 20 miuets for mogwai to come on, and when they do their all sporting lime green addidas Zipups, They must of played for about 90 miuetes mixing older tracks from "Young team" and "Come on die young" with tracks from there new album.
The lighting was amazing, and complemented the music realy well, at times the music would be tranquile and calm and then sudenly they would put the music in to over drive with this heavy bass, shaking the air around you, high pitched trebalo piercing right into your head, this was acompanied with a burst of strob lighting so strong and bright thatyou couldnt see anything for sconds after. This wasnt done in the traditionale"lets build the music up boys" kind of way either, it was a suden and very profeshioaly done BANG!
My ears still ach a little, but i recomend the experiance to any one, as long as you havent got epalepsy or weak eardrums then im sure its an experiance which will at least introduce you to a musical experiance you didnt thinck could happen this side of heaven.
Only problem was i wanted to take some pics on my digital SLR, but allas, needed to be beyond the fence in the press enclousure and i still havent figured out how to get there yet!