Saturday, February 02, 2013

quiet cool breeze

Quiet cool breeze
moved up stairwell
calming rushing chaotic mind.

feet away carnage ensued
Cointreau fuelled "hee's te us!"
music pounding,
the violent wrestling of merry friends

he stayed away
yet still hearing
still witness to the festivities
and the over taken thinking of
"some day"

he sat waiting
to be anywhere but here
any time but now
no good byes
no farewells
no end
no closure
no cessation of the self inflicted pain
devouring the last four months

she was leaving
he had sent her.

nights spent soaked in sweat

nights spent soaked in sweat
through summers heat and discomfort
with a world unwilling to play his game
his rules
his way
he walks through dreams

bear foot dancing in rain
joy full following of a third way
no way
no fight
no flight
no fear of the hereafter of the lovers or others
the cowards who see no other way

black eyed beaten and bruised this fool
sits smiling in his purple tinged battered bloody victory over body and soul

as the cool air through open attic windows sting his sweat glistened naked back he wakes
to his empty bed
to his empty cell
to his empty world
waiting wishing wistfully for a reason to clear himself and organise this realm

("i want you back" he cries into the night like a fire fighter rushing to a window where there is no fire ....except the burning of his heart)

The sun blinds

The sun blinds with golden light
as the ball of fire slowly falls to the tips of distant trees
the whole of creation is set ablaze
as the  heat dances amoung the wind swept rippling blades of grass
the brease strokes my skin like a mother caring for her child,
like a lover waiting to be kissed

the wind,
she sings softly through the trees,
playing with the leaves among her rustling fingers
the wind,
she sings to the setting of her lover
brother sun

"Heres to you" i toast the burning in my eyes
"Heres to you" i salute the blacked ghosts of distant passers by
"Heres to you" i sing to dancing blades of grass
"Heres to you" i whisper to the wind kissing my ear
"Heres to you" mother nature farther creator
"Heres to you" i sing and toast old cider firm in hand.


silence as the jet raws overhead
silence as the cars growl past my door
silence as the truck purrs in distant street
silence as the birds explode in laugthter
silence as the wood work creaks
silence as the house door slams
silence as the window frame taps
silence as the pencil scratches
silence as the note book leather cracks
silence as the air flows in and lungs inhail
silence as my stomach moans for stale old bread
silence as my month old ginger stragaly beard scratches against my shirt
silence as chest beat Beat BEATS trying to escape the
silence of confined space of scrawny pole hairless pidgeon chest
silence as my blood pump Pump PUMPS around my ear drums
silence as my head starts to bang and the
silent voices of my self begin to scream in definning
silence as the metal pushes through, stratching hair and rubbing bone
silence as the presure builds against the trigger of the drum
silence as my ears boom static nothing drone
silence as the gun cocks click in hand
silence as last breath burst forth from lungs
silence as the fingures stroke metal
silence as the drums go bang

silence as the gun thuds on the cold hard ground
silence as body neatly toples in to unglorified mound
silence as the soul departs this madening symphony of unorcestrated sound.

8inch black healed

8inch black healed feet,
tapping to the beat
of her coffee fuelled schizophrenic
rambling to no one in particular.
at least there's no one sat in front of her
rambling to an empty chair
her blood red lips run of continuously
pointing to undefinable persons with an unlit cigarette.

the house is packed with Christmas frenzy
as i stir and read and watch this loved creation,
dwelling in a reality
the rest of us are absent.

bleached hair,
slicked back black roots
showing dark eyes wandering.

coffee in hand she smiles,
its contagious i smile with her.
some one, some where
on some plain of distant being
makes her laugh
eyes wild and bright
defying any and all who question her grip on our reality.

her words do not carry across the dull rumble of luncheon gossip
yet she stands out on a pillar of fresh air,
a goddess tall amongst the low base occupants.

her smile terms to a grimace
and i instantly want to know this woman.
what secrets is she divulging to the world
what conspiracies is she uncovering
what truths is she discovering
from beneath the sludge of our collective sanity
i smile
this women is free from the cares of this twisted world
this woman is a slave to her own mind